Reflecting on numerous international investors re-consideration of China as a global manufacturing hub, there is no better time for African countries to re-position as the preferred investment destination post Covid-19.

To attract investors as an investment destination of choice, African countries need to step-up their targeted foreign direct investment drive in developed economies post Covid-19. In saying that, tackling basic infrastructure developments should remain a priority to enable foreign investors to establish viable businesses and create life sustaining jobs.

To facilitate foreign direct investment drive in Australia, we have developed a pre-event destination attractiveness survey to answer common questions you might have in mind:

  • How many Australian investors could attend my country’s investment promotion event in Australia?
  • How do Australian investors view my country as an investment destination?
  • Which business sector(s) in my country could be of great value to potential Australian investors?
  • Who will Australian investors expect to meet at an event for my country?
  • How does my country compare with other African countries as a preferred investment destination?
  • What kind of incentives could attract and keep Australian investors in my country?

Our destination attractiveness survey is designed to answer these questions and produce authentic feedback from potential Australian investors for any African country. The survey will also assist your country to select niche business sectors of high value to potential investors based on survey feedback.

At OctoberFirst Consulting, our team understands that each investment promotion event has its own specific purpose, but common to all is the objective of facilitating economic development and attracting more foreign direct investment into your economy.

To learn more about our foreign investment promotion solutions in Australia, please click here.

To view case studies and image gallery of business events we have organised in Australia, visit our specific event pages.

To contact us for more information, click here.